Burglary is every property owner’s nightmare, and although security has come on significantly in recent years, homes and businesses are still targeted by burglars every day. So, what makes a property appealing to a burglar?
No one home
An empty building will attract criminals. It is thought that more than 70% of burglaries take place when the property is vacant. They know what signs to spot when you are away and are also aware of the common tricks such as leaving one light on. It may also surprise you to learn that many burglaries occur in daylight when families are at work and school. Not all crime happens at night!
You could do a few things to ensure you are not advertising an empty home. Avoid uploading holiday snaps while you are away, particularly on platforms that are not private. Similarly, try to keep the people you tell about your holiday to a minimum. If you are away for more than a day or two, ask a friend or neighbour to check in on your home and pick up post.
Access and visibility
If criminals can spot an accessible area, the property will appeal to them. They may look for places that will not require them to break glass or battle locks. Doors and windows that can be easily manipulated will appeal to burglars. They will know what to look for and how to spot access points.
To make your home less appealing, ensure all locks are secure and that no weak spots could lead to easy access. Never leave windows open, even top ones. Another important reminder is to not leave a spare key under the mat or in a plant pot. It is the first place they will look!
Lack of security
Security systems and security guards for larger premises help prevent crime. If burglars see you have little in the way of security, you will be an easy target in their eyes. CCTV and smart security solutions are a fantastic option, as are motion detectors.
Larger buildings and commercial properties would benefit significantly from security guards and mobile patrol officers. These give a clear sign to criminals that your building is protected at all times. Contact a professional security specialist, such as A Matter of Patrols to discuss the best security options for you.
Valuable items, such as jewellery and money, should always be kept out of view. However, did you know that the same applies to TVs and consoles? The technological world we live in means our laptops, phones and devices are often the most valuable items in our homes. If these items are visible, they could attract the wrong attention. The same goes for garden equipment and bikes.
Be sure not to advertise your valuables by keeping them out of sight and preferably locked away in cupboards, safes or storage.
To discuss your security needs, contact A Matter of Patrols on 0800 2922667.