Environmental Policies
A Matter of Security Limited are committed to minimising the environmental impact of their activities and aims to achieve continuous improvement in environmental performance. A Matter of Security Limited will:
Keep abreast and comply with legislation, regulations and codes of practice on environmental matters relevant to their operations.
Minimise the environmental impacts of their site and their effects on local communities by keeping the site orderly and tidy, conserving natural habitats and wildlife, archaeological heritage; and adopting reasonable controls for preventing air, ground, water and noise pollution.
Communicate with and be sensitive to local communities and others with an interest in their environmental policies, plans and performance.
Ensure that sub-contractors adhere to environmental policies and procedures.
Use all forms of energy efficiently so as to not waste resources or cause unnecessary pollution.
Set environmental objectives and targets that are consistent with this policy and other project policies, and monitor performance.
Monitor and review environmental performance and audit compliance to procedures to ensure standards are being maintained whilst highlighting potential areas for improvement.
Promote environmental awareness and commitment.
Establish emergency procedures and notify clients and competent authorities of environmental problems encountered during construction, and jointly resolve such issues.
A Matter of Security Limited are responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy and reviewing performance within the work place.
Drugs & Alcohol
1. The Company operates policies regarding employees use of alcohol, drugs and substances of abuse in that, employees should not, at any time in their work, be affected by alcohol, drugs or substances of abuse. The policy aims to:
Prevent risks of accidents to employees, contractors, clients and anyone else who might be affected by such abuses.
To alert employees to the risks associated with heavy or inappropriate drinking, disciplinary procedures and to promote a progressive change of attitudes towards alcohol and its use.
Protect the Health, Safety and Welfare of employees by making information counselling and rehabilitation programmes available to those coming forward with an alcohol, drugs or substance abuse problem.
2. Definitions
Drug – Any substance which can impair the users to the extent that they are unable to do their work safely to the required standard.
Affected – Change in behaviour due to the effects of alcohol or drugs.
Unfit Inability to undertake normal duties, due to the effects of alcohol or drugs.
Substance of abuse – Chemicals which may be misused to produce a bodily affect e.g. solvents and glues.
Safety Critical Work – As defined in the Railways (Safety Critical Work) Regulations 1994, or similar safety related work specified by the company or clients.
Alcohol Policy
Employees must NOT consume alcohol or be in possession of unsealed bottles or containers, containing alcohol whilst at work during working hours, including meal and other rest periods. Neither must they report for work when unfit through alcohol or consume alcohol when on call.
All employees have a duty to bring to management’s attention the fact that an employee may have reported for duty while affected by alcohol.
Employees who recognise they have a problem with the consumption of alcohol and ask for help from the Company will be supported by relevant counselling and rehabilitation.
Drugs Policy
Employees must NOT possess, inhale or consume illegal drugs at any time whilst employed by the Company. Neither must they report for work when unfit through the use of prescribed or non-prescribed drugs unless agreement has been obtained from their Line Manager and appropriate work can be allocated.
All employees have a duty to bring to management’s attention the fact that they feel that an employee’s performance is being adversely affected by the use of drugs.
If an employee is reasonably believed to possess or to have supplied or manufactured any drug of abuse on Company premises or sites the Company will notify the police.
Employees who recognise they have a problem with the use of drugs and ask for help from the Company will be supported by relevant counselling and rehabilitation.
Policy Implementation
Compliance with these policies is mandatory for all employees and subcontractors. Given the nature of the subject, it is crucial that these Company Policies are applied in a sensible and sensitive manner. Managers are required to ensure that consistency of standards and approach, are maintained throughout the Company
Employee Rights
Under the above policies employees should note that:
Leave may be taken, if necessary, to undergo counselling and such leave will be treated as sick leave.
Referral to counselling will not affect their present job unless they are unfit to fulfil the duties of the post.
Normal promotional prospects will be unaffected following successful resolution of the problem.
In the event that there is a relapse in the alcohol and drug problem or there are further conduct or performance difficulties during or following the period of referral each case will be treated on merit.
The Company respects the confidential relationship between employee and counselling agency, subject to the provision of reports on attendance and general progress as per the agreement with the agency.
Records about alcohol, drugs or substance abuse problems will be treated with the strictest confidence.
The policy applies to all employees, irrespective of position and does not discriminate at any level.
Where subcontractors are required to work at Company premises or work sites, they are required to abide to the standards set out in this document.
Training and Awareness
A copy of this procedure shall be given to all employees and its requirements explained during induction sessions. A record of this briefing shall be maintained in the appropriate employee file.
The Company offers assistance where employees volunteer an acknowledged alcohol problem. Such a problem must be brought to management’s attention before any incident or other cause elicits the need for an alcohol test. Late admission of a problem will not be taken into account during any disciplinary action.
Alcohol Limits
Employees undertaking Safety Critical Work are committing a criminal offence if when tested they are found to have an alcohol blood level above 80 mg/100 ml (or equivalent in breath or urine), anyone in that condition will be dealt with under the gross misconduct disciplinary procedure.
Situations where Non Safety Critical employees, if when tested are found to have an alcohol blood level above 80 mg/100 ml (or equivalent in breath or urine) will be viewed very seriously by the Company and disciplinary action will be taken.
A Matter of Security Limited has a Zero Tolerance Policy towards the abuse of drugs or alcohol. Any employee found to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol whilst on company business will liable to disciplinary action.
Equal Opportunities
This company is an equal opportunities employer.
The aim of our policy of providing equal opportunities is to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of sex, marital status, race, disability, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins.
All employees will be given an equal opportunity to progress within the organisation and, where appropriate, suitable training to assist in this progression.
Should an individual have a grievance associated with equal opportunities, then it is to be processed through the Grievance Procedure as set out in the Contract of Employment.
In the event of an individual being found in breach of the Company’s Equal Opportunities Policy then the Company’s Disciplinary Measures and Procedures will be applied.
The Managing Director is responsible for the overall implementation of this policy statement and is the person to whom any queries should be addressed.
The Company recognise our obligations under the Race Relations Act 1976, Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Equal Pay Act 1970 and Disability Discrimination Act 1995.
Occupational Health & Safety
A Matter of Security Limited aim to meet and exceed the expectations and requirements of our clients engineering and building construction related activities while undertaking work in the safest and so far as reasonably practicable manner, consistent with good construction practice and in accordance with applicable legislation.
A Matter of Security Limited aims to perform work in the safest and in a ‘so far as reasonably practical’ manner, consistent with good construction practice and in accordance with required legislation. With the health and safety of our employees and all those likely to be affected by our operations of paramount importance, we shall implement an Occupational Health & Safety Management System to continually monitor and consistently improve our performance by :
Provision of adequate and appropriate resources to implement our Occupational Health & Safety Management System
Ensuring compliance with legal and other applicable requirements
Achievement of continual improvement Occupational Health & Safety Management System performance by the identification and monitoring of objectives.
Providing our Clients, suppliers and the community with information on our Occupational Health & Safety Management System issues
Making this Policy available at all places of work and ensuring that all employees are aware of their
Occupational Health & Safety obligations
Making this Policy available to interested parties and the public where requested
The ultimate responsibility for Occupational Health & Safety Management is held by the Managing Director through which the Health & Safety Department acts with his delegated authority, however ALL members of staff are responsible for ensuring that Occupational Health & Safety issues are understood, implemented and the aims of this policy are achieved.
This Occupational Health & Safety Management System Policy shall be reviewed at regular intervals to ensure that it continues to be relevant and appropriate to the company’s activities.
Quality Policy
It is the policy of A Matter of Security Limited (The Company) to provide a reliable and efficient service to its clients, whilst conforming to the company’s long term objectives, requisite statutory and safety regulations, continually improving the effectiveness of the quality management systems and to maintain Client satisfaction at the highest economic level.
In order to achieve this The Company supports a fully integrated Documented Quality System which is independently assessed by a third party. Ultimate responsibility for the operations of this quality system rests with the Managing Director.
The Company sets objectives, which are regularly reviewed, by the management team at the management review meetings.
The Documented Quality System ensures that The Company can fulfil contractual obligations by:
Utilising a Quality Operating System
Ensuring that all activities that directly affect the quality of service are carried out under controlled conditions
Continuous monitoring and analysis of quality indicators that provide the feedback to enable quality improvement against Client needs and expectations.
Providing up to date instructions and training to all personnel together with the promotion of quality awareness.
The Managing Director ensures that this policy is communicated, understood and implemented at all levels in the organisation.